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Four thoughts on project management:

1)  Storytelling is one of those overlooked skills that project leaders should invest time to develop. Vasilis Moschopoulos shares his thoughts on the how to become a better storyteller. The ability to tell a story will have a positive impact on your life and your career.

2)  Read how to build your credibility with the “Show Don’t Tell” technique. Will Lawrence even includes some examples.

3)  Are you finding it hard to delegate tasks that you know others on your team can handle? Andy Jordan writes about how to Master the Art of Delegation.

4)  Project management is not always easy work. In fact, we all need inspiration from time to time to get us through our days. Ben Anston has compiled some of the best truth-telling, motivational, and funny project management quotes. Enjoy!

Three recent happenings:

1)   The Project Management Institute has released a mobile application to help develop PM skills in youth between 8 to 15 years old. Game players act as a project leader, working to save an island by building a bridge to another island. The game can be played individually or in a group. The app is available for download on IOS or Android.

2)  In April, the Project Management Institute released results from its 2023 Workplace Engagement Survey. While the report was focused on US workers, its findings can be applied globally as well.

3)  Microsoft has started to roll out its Microsoft 365 Copilot functionality to a select group of global enterprise customers. Copilot is an AI-assistance feature embedded in Microsoft 365 applications and is said to improve meeting efficiency, aid creativity, and cuts down on searching for information. I am really interested in testing out its capabilities in PowerPoint, where Copilot can take existing documents or suggestion prompts to create decks of presentation slides.

Two miscellaneous suggestions:

1)  From the Sloan Business Review, the #1 question to ask when evaluating AI tools.

2)   An insightful report from McKinsey & Company: The State of Organizations 2023: Ten shifts transforming organizations. As project leaders, I feel that we have the ability to greatly influence the theme of “closing the capability chasm” within our organizations. Check out the other 9 transforming shifts underway in 2023.

One question for YOU the reader to ponder:

  • What are the top three strengths that you practice as a leader?


“Fit no stereotypes. Don’t chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplishes the team’s mission.”

― Colin Powell, stateman/diplomat/veteran

“No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow.”

― Alice Walker, author/activist


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Subscribe to my popular monthly newsletter for project leaders and receive more actionable ideas. In each briefing, I cover:

  • 4 thoughts on project leadership,
  • 3 recent happenings that caught my attention,
  • 2 miscellaneous suggestions, and
  • 1 question for YOU the reader to ponder.

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